Siobhan's Blog

Welcome to Siobhan's Blog
Here you will find the tags I make,Wordart to create with In psp, Preset Shapes and whatever else I make in PSP and decide to share on here. Also My photos, my thoughs, Ideas and ramblings and anything that is going on in my boring little life :)
Pspers feel free to snag my freebies to create with in psp and if you have any problems feel free to contact me

I have also recently started making handmade cards so I will be adding them to my blog and also papers and free stuff to download as I plan on getting back into designing again sorry I have not been around ...but i'm back again now lol
Huggles Siobhan

Take My Blinkie



Paw Prints On my ❤


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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Hey Guys

I made this Preset shape ages ago for my own personal use
Natalie Was requesting one and As I had this and was keeping it to myself I thought I would zip it up and share it 
Its not even named right cos it was for my own personal use but feel free to snag it and use it if you feel you like it 
huggles Siobhan 

 Download Here


Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [23 Feb 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

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My Mischief CU licence

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